As Headteacher, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to the Website of Monega Primary School. This website aims to give you a snapshot of our school, as well as providing important up-to-date information.
Monega Primary School is a welcoming and happy school, where everyone is caring, considerate and respectful of each other. The children are very polite, work very hard and are committed to their learning. Safeguarding is given the highest priority and we work in partnership with parents and carers. We very much value the support and contribution that parents and carers make to school life. The strong cooperation across home and school means that we can reinforce the highest expectations.
We have carefully designed our curriculum to be progressive, ensuring pupils have a rich, relevant, broad and balanced education which is in line with the National Curriculum. Our aim is that all pupils will find passions, strengths and interests in both subjects and learning techniques that will prepare them well for future learning.
We teach subjects discreetly to ensure that all subjects have value and important knowledge is acquired and embedded. Our pupils are provided with rich opportunities to ensure that they are excited about their learning and challenged to achieve their very best.
Enrichment is a very important aspect of learning at Monega. All areas of the curriculum have enrichment opportunities that include visits to museums, theatres, exhibitions, festivals and residential visits. We work collaboratively with community organisations to provide opportunities in dance, drama and arts. Our musician in residence ensures that music composition, performance and singing are an important part of school life.
We offer a large selection of after school clubs, including booster and tuition sessions to ensure that all children meet their full potential.
At Monega, we are very fortunate to have such a dedicated team of teachers, teaching assistants and other staff members who strive to ensure that every child is successful, confident and responsible. The school standards are above average and the quality of teaching across the school is excellent. Strong outcomes in pupils’ books, pupil and parent voice and our academic achievement demonstrate the impact of our approach.
If you are considering Monega for your child or you would like to find out more about our school, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office.
Kind regards
Ms E Harris