Please click on the link to view our School Development Plan.
Monega is a happy, inclusive, caring school, where every child matters. We ensure a calm and purposeful atmosphere enabling all pupils to be motivated to learn. Our systematic approach provides reassurance and clear expectations for all.
Our approach encourages all children to behave well and develop long-standing habits. Monega pupils have very positive attitudes that impact positively upon their learning.
We have a clear and effective behaviour policy, which enables all staff members to communicate; clearly defined consequences that are applied consistently. This clear systematic approach is supported by a positive culture where staff and pupils are respectful of each other.
At Monega Primary School we have high expectations of all pupils and ensure that every child is a successful learner. The exceptional staff team are determined and committed that this happens through the delivery of an excellent education in an outstanding environment.
We promote our Ethos through the 5C’s embedding our 5 Core Principles throughout every aspect of school life. These are:-
- Commitment
- Care
- Consideration
- Courtesy
- Cooperation
Through highlighting, celebrating and modelling these characteristics we enable children to adopt these principles in school and everyday life.
Pupils are very supportive of each other and the behaviour both inside classrooms and around the school is excellent. Safeguarding procedures are robust and contextualised. Having a safe and secure learning environment is of the utmost importance to enable pupils to flourish. Behaviour and safety are very good, and the school rigorously follows established safeguarding procedures.
The school has a robust anti-bullying and behaviour policy. Children have a good understanding of what bullying is and how to deal with it. Children are supported through the PSHCE Curriculum and regular whole school, phase and class assemblies. Anti-bullying and anti-racism are often discussed as part of themes in meetings, assemblies and CPD.
Promoting Kindness
Children are keen to come to Monega and are proud of their attendance. Our strong focus on attendance and punctuality with a range of positive rewards has a very good impact.
We have a range of key people who work to support pupils in this area, collating and analysing input and impact.
This team are accessible to families and pupils for guidance and support
Mr M Patient DHT – Behaviour |
Ms N Drissi Personnel Development |
Mrs N Amarasinghe KS2 Phase Leader |
Whole School Priorities:-
- To ensure exceptional Leadership at all levels
- To raise standards in maths increasing mathematical proficiency and building fluency and confidence.
- To raise standards in Writing across the school with teachers as writers, nurturing high quality modelling, feedback and redrafting.
- To safeguard the wellbeing of all members of the Monega community.
- To guarantee that the lowest 20% of pupils make exceptional progress from their starting points.
Ensuring identified groups’ needs are met using the designed toolkit.
Leadership is strong at every level in the school; leaders have high expectations of themselves and all school staff and pupils. These high expectations are reflected in pupil outcomes for all learners and the active pursuit of excellence has shifted the learning culture significantly.
The school’s Senior Leadership Team is strong and the long serving staff who have worked within the Boleyn Trust for many years have worked tightly alongside long standing Monega staff to bring about real change that is now embedded at Monega. The team is focused on consistently improving standards for all pupils with particular attention being paid to those that are at a disadvantage.
This team acts as the driving force to articulate and deliver the vision ensuring they are highly visible, accessible and lead from the front.
Personal development and pupil’s voice a key focus in ensuring that children become confident and independent learners. We teach children how to control impulses, communicate their wishes and understand the need for rules, encouraging children to talk about and share their feelings.
Learning mentors, sports coaches and mid-day supervisors are all skilled in supporting pupils with their emotional wellbeing.
Our priority is to enable pupils to become independent learners who find passions, strengths and interests in both subjects and learning techniques that prepare them well for future learning.
We provide a wide range of opportunities to support pupils’ personal growth. They include:-
- Wide range of after school clubs.
- Protect curriculum time allocated to personal development through PHSE.
- A wide menu of support for pupil wellbeing.
- Promote clear values as a school and as British Citizens.
- Discreet lessons focused on the development and improvement of oracy.
- Promote equality and diversity across the Monega community.
- Clear structures and support with transitions.
- A range of experiences that sit outside of children’s typical experiences. These include:- camping, poetry recitals, choir events, residential trips and theatre events.
- Activity passports encourage children to challenge themselves across skill spectrums and in diverse aspects of their lives.
The school also values pupil voice across all subjects and we have a very active School Council which meets regularly, this allows council members to discuss pressing issues with their peers and make key decisions that impact their day-to-day school life.
Teachers at Monega are ambitious for their pupils and expect them to do their very best. High quality CPD alongside very clear expectations of teacher delivery and structures, guarantee parity for all pupils. Lessons have clear objectives to accommodate the different abilities in each class and challenge is present in all lessons.
Our on entry data clearly demonstrates that the majority of children join the school working below the expected level for their age. Attainment at the end of EYFS shows an exceptional percentage of 85% of children are meeting the Early Learning Goals. This is outstanding progress, considering the very low on entry data.
This outstanding progress continues at Key Stage 1 testing where more than 25% of children are attaining Greater Depth, which is above the national average (21%).
The exceptional start in Key Stage 1 allows us to have the highest expectations and aspirations for all our pupils in Key Stage 2, resulting in 80% of children attaining age related expectations in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
Expectations for the whole school population are high, including those who are assessed against pre-national standards and engagement levels. This progress is analysed using MAPP.
Performance Tables
Please click on the link to view the school’s performance data.