Breakfast club
Here you will find information about our before school and after school care.
Monega Primary School is a culturally rich and diverse community in Newham. We offer a wide range of extended services for families in which everybody has the opportunity to take part in.
Our Breakfast Club start at 8:00am and costs £1 a day. Children are provided with breakfast and engaging activities to make sure that they are ready for learning.
Breakfast Club runs until 8:30am when all children take part in our Reading Recovery Project. The Reading Recovery Project is a Post-Covid initiative to ensure that all children read and are supported in their reading development.
After school club
After School Clubs begin at 3:15pm and finish at 4:00pm. All clubs are run by members of staff and free to attend.
For further information on clubs, please speak to a member of staff in the School Office. Please contact the School Office on 020 8472 0533.