Understanding the world.
Talked about the features of their immediate environment and how those environments change over time.
Year 1 & 2
Locate landmarks in the UK (Northern Ireland).
Giants Causeway, Big Ben, Ben Nevis, St Paul’s Cathedral and Tower Bridge.
Flags – England, Scotland, Wales and North Ireland.
Year 2 – Australia
Diverse landscapes of Australia.
Great Barrier Reef.
Year 3 – Russia
Landmarks – St Basil’s Cathedral – Russia.
Culture (Diversity) – Matryoshka Dolls.
Year 4 – South America and Brazil
Children explore the Amazon Rainforest through the location of South America.
Key landmarks in Brazil.
Year 5 – Trade Links
To explore the relationship between India and trade links.
Year 6 – Maths, Geography Link and Contrasting Localities in Europe
Year 6 explore coastal regions through the topic of erosion.