- Talk about features of their own immediate environment and how they might vary.
- Observe and explore places, objects and plants.
- Patterns and change.
- Directional language.
- Real life experience.
Year 1
- Simple map.
- Developing knowledge of locality.
Year 2
- Construct map using basic symbols.
- 4 counties and capital cities of the UK with surrounding seas.
Year 3
- Embedding knowledge of UK
- Location of Russia focusing on key physical and human features on a sketch map
Year 4
- Mapping to locate world’s countries outside of Europe – South/Central America
- Mapping using symbols and keys to identify human and physical features
Year 5
- Sketch maps and diagrams of human and physical features and how they affect land use and settlement.
Year 6
- Locating counties and cities within the UK.
- Measure, record and present human and physical features using sketch maps, graphs and diagrams.